Chapter Contacts

You can reach the HoTCO chapter leadership in the following ways…

Primary contacts

(Remove spaces from the email addresses before you use them. We put them in to help prevent spam. Sorry…)

Chapter Co-CoordinatorLynne Roynurselynne56 @
Chapter Co-CoordinatorKristi Michenerkristimi @
Newsletter ContentJan Reedjjllreed @
WebsiteDan MichenerDmichener51 @

Service Teams

Service TeamTeam Members
Communications and Publicity
Newsletter, Website, and Facebook
Dan Michener
Jan Reed
Kristi Michener
Commissioned Presenters 
Mentoring Presenters
Marty Badgett
Pamela Begeman
Gay Bullard
Barbara Cook
Mary Gifford
Molly Hatchell
Judith Lundin
Vicki Joy McClure
Kristi Michener
Jeanette Norris
Barbara Risser
Lynne Roy
Jackie Strashun
Jack Stamps
Anna Vu Wallace
David Wallace
Special Events
United in Prayer, Intro Workshops, Retreats, …
Nancy Marsh
Kristi Michener
Beth Pierce
Lynne Roy
Twelve Step ProgramSteve Hamann
Welcoming PrayerPamela Begeman
Jill Frank

You can volunteer for one of these teams by emailing Lynne Roy.