Newsletter and Discussion
HoTCO e-Newsletter…
HoTCO publishes a monthly email newsletter. The newsletter provides information about local Centering Prayer events happening in the near future. Subscribe using the form below. We do not release email addresses, and our mailing list is managed by MailChimp, which allows you to unsubscribe at any time.
For questions or to suggest content for the newsletter, contact Jan Reed jjllreed @
Newsletter Archive…
An archive of recent newsletters is maintained here.
Online Communities…
There are a number of discussion lists available for people interested in Centering Prayer. While these are not affiliated with the HoTCO chapter, you may be interested in them.
This online community begins every six months, in January and July, with the teaching of the Introductory Program for the practice of Centering Prayer. The program is followed by the reading and discussion of Fr. Thomas Keating’s Centering Prayer primer, Open Mind, Open Heart, 2006 Edition. This book explains in detail the conceptual background of Centering Prayer and the Christian Contemplative Heritage. Daily guidance, direction and support in establishing this prayer as a twice daily practice is also provided. Admission can take place at any time during the year. To request subscription to the Centering Prayer One list write to the List Owners at:
This online community consists of those practitioners who already have practiced Centering Prayer twice daily for a year. It consists of a one year cycle and is the next step after the Centering Prayer One list. In this group the student will continue to receive teachings and support for the daily practice of Centering Prayer. The reading and discussion of Fr. Thomas Keating’s book, Invitation to Love, explores the core material of “The Spiritual Journey,” examining the process of healing the human condition through the “Divine Therapy” of contemplation that may occur with a sustained practice of Centering Prayer. This is followed by the reading and reflecting on Intimacy with God, Fr. Keating’s more advanced book on Centering Prayer. There will also be an introduction to Lectio Divina (praying Scripture), which complements Centering Prayer, and a time to spend with this practice. Questions, commentaries, and sharings are encouraged throughout the year. After a year or more, the participants with a continued established practice of centering prayer are invited to move to the Spiritus List. To request subscription to the Centering Prayer Two list write to the List Owners at:
This list is an online community founded in 1994 for those who are more experienced in the practice of Centering Prayer and are looking to deepen their experience of the Christian Contemplative Tradition and the nuances of Centering Prayer through the slow reading and sharing of the material that covers all other books of Fr. Thomas Keating posted online daily. From time to time, members of this community in union with the other online groups meet for retreats that sustain and deepen their Centering Prayer practice and enrich their spiritual life. This is an opportunity to meet the lists’ members, deepen their practice of Centering Prayer and enrich their spiritual life. Spiritus’ membership spans the English speaking global village. To subscribe to the Spiritus List email the list owners at:
This online community is designed to serve those members who have had a twice-a-day Centering Prayer practice for 10 years or more. It takes the reading and discussion to another level with books suggested directly by Fr. Thomas Keating. It also offers his Advanced Workshops from time to time. Membership is by invitation only. Those who are interested can also ask to be invited. To indicate your interest or to request information email the list owners at