Welcome to the Heart of Texas chapter of Contemplative Outreach (HoTCO). We are an ecumenical group of women and men serving together to support those who want to deepen their relationship with God through the practice of Centering Prayer.
Centering Prayer is an ancient method of Christian prayer which prepares us to receive the gift of God’s presence, traditionally called contemplative prayer.
HoTCO is one of more than 90 active chapters in 39 countries formed by Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., a worldwide spiritual network that provides support and resources for Centering Prayer practitioners.
We offer Introduction to Centering Prayer workshops and retreats ranging from one to ten days in length.
We support Centering Prayer groups that meet daily, weekly and monthly in various churches, homes and institutions, as well as contemplative church services throughout the area.
Latest news…
- You are invited:
- 1-Day Centering Prayer Retreat – Feb 8th, 9 am – 3 pm CST – offered by the Church of Conscious Harmony. There is no cost for the retreat and donations are joyfully received. For more details and to register, see this link.
- Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop – Feb 8th, 9:00am – 12:00pm CDT – offered by the Church of Conscious Harmony. Learn the basics for beginning a Centering Prayer daily practice, using the Contemplative Outreach course based on Fr. Thomas Keating’s book, “Open Mind, Open Heart”. The cost is $15; for more details and to register, see this link
- 1/2-Day Centering Prayer Retreat – Feb 12th, 1 pm – 6 pm CST – offered by the Church of Conscious Harmony. There is no cost for the retreat and donations are joyfully received. For more details and to register, see this link.
- 1/2-Day Centering Prayer Retreat – Feb 22nd, 9 am – 12 pm CST – offered by the Church of Conscious Harmony. There is no cost for the retreat and donations are joyfully received. For more details and to register, see this link.
- 1/2-Day Ash Wednesday Centering Prayer Retreat – Mar 5th, 1:30pm – 5:00 pm CST – offered by the Church of Conscious Harmony. There is no cost for the retreat and donations are joyfully received. For more details and to register, see this link.
- United in Prayer Day – Mar 15th, 8:00am – 12:30 pm CDT – offered in-person by the Heart of Texas Contemplative Outreach at the Seminary of the Southwest Austin, TX. The morning will include joining with the global gathering of Contemplative Outreach, music and chanting (Musica Divina) as a vestibule to Centering Prayer, and opportunity for small group sharing. We are so fortunate to have Beverly McCune, harpist and choir director, leading us with her harp in the Musica Divina segment. Join your HoTCO regional companions for this special opportunity to share time together in Centering Prayer, to experience a time of “Tuning in to Spirit,” to enjoy fellowship, and to steep yourself in the beauty of the campus of the Seminary of the Southwest. Light refreshments will be served throughout the morning. Registration is available at this link. The local event will include an hour of participation in the Global Contemplative Outreach online offering (Mar 14th to Mar 15th).
- For retreats and introduction to Centering Prayer workshops in the year of 2025, please see retreats and introductory workshops. Retreats and workshops for 2025 will be updated as changes become available.
- Pray in Community: Our list of local Prayer Groups will be continually updated in 2025. There are also several contemplative church services around town that we’re aware of. Information on these can be found on the Contemplative Worship page and will be updated as we receive new information.
- The Meditation Chapel currently offers many online opportunities each week to join others in Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. These are a wonderful way to pray with others in community, while remaining at home. When looking at their calendar, note that the Centering Prayer groups meet in the ‘Thomas Keating Chapel.
- Consider supporting our Centering Prayer community by joining one of our Service Teams. We would love to hear from you regarding your interest in serving our chapter by mailing Lynne Roy or Kristi Michener. Your involvement in our Centering Prayer community is vital!
…when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
~ Matthew 6:6
Contemplative Prayer is the opening of mind and heart – our whole being – to God, the Ultimate Mystery, beyond thoughts, words and emotions, whom we know by faith is within us, closer than breathing, thinking, feeling and choosing; even closer than consciousness itself.
~ Fr. Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart